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AC License: # CACA 57421

Commercial HVAC Repair and Maintenance

Commercial HVAC is a large capital investment for every company. It is also one of the major contributors to maintenance and other operating expenditures. Comprehensive business HVAC repair and maintenance is therefore critical to ensure their reliability and efficient operation.
Five Steps to Commercial HVAC Efficiency

Maintain a daily operation log.
Keep the tubes clean.
Ensure that every unit is leak-free.
Sustain proper water treatment.
Check oil and refrigerant levels.
These steps are easy to do, and it is surprising how most businesses operate their HVAC system inefficiently. There are instances when business HVAC repair and maintenance are even forgotten all year long!

Five Threats to Commercial HVAC Efficiency

Poor operating practices.
Taking for granted important business HVAC repair and maintenance.
Ignoring cooling towers.
Under sizing.
Over sizing.
Most companies providing business HVAC repair and maintenance services regard these five threats as factors that lead to higher energy costs, lower system performance and reliability, and decreased equipment life. What kind of business institution would want that? Defective HVAC systems will eat up company profits that could otherwise be used for other important business investments or transactions.

Business HVAC repair and maintenance service provider stress the importance of keeping a system operating log. This log is important for regularly scheduled inspections. Regularly scheduled inspections help in identifying issues concerning health and operating efficiency of HVAC systems.

Remember that one of the largest potential hindrances to an efficient HVAC performance is heat-transfer efficiency. An HVAC system’s performance and efficiency is directly proportional to its ability to transfer heat. Large HVAC systems contain several miles of tubing in their heat exchangers. Keeping these large surfaces clean is essential for maintaining high-efficiency performance. Annual tube cleaning is the most recommended practice by business HVAC and repair professionals. For open systems, periodic inspection and cleaning is highly recommended, while for closed systems, cleaning evaporator tubes every three years is usually enough.

For more questions on how you can increase the efficiency of your commercial HVAC systems, please consult the nearest business HVAC repair and maintenance provider in your area.


With over 15 years experience in the industry, Ken Barrett Air Conditioning, Inc. has the knowledge to keep your Air Conditioning system working efficiently for many years to come.

Ken Barrett Air Conditioning, Inc



(813) 968-5535

AC License: # CACA 57421